The Road to the Sun with Tetsuji Matsubayashi
We’d stayed out late in Kyoto, over a plate of cold green tea soba in a family restaurant close to…
Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum
It was the year 1923 and Prince Yasuhiko Asaka, the youngest of eight children, was studying at the Military Academy…
Woman and Shell
We were supposed to be meeting the last Amas, fisherwomen who dived underwater holding their breath, on the peninsula and…
Coming up for AirJapan
Hold your breath and put your fingers in your ears to mute the chaos of the modern world. Information often...
Wild MindJapan
“Something ‘untamed’ is something delicate, elaborate and elegant. The untamed mind has nothing to do with what is rough, boorish...
We are all Members of the UniverseJapan
I’d like to write something for you, but lately my time has been taken up meeting ghosts. This is how...
The House of Fantasy with Gert van Tonder and The Art of TravelJapan
The twenty-first typhoon of the season in the Pacific was edging its way northwards towards Okinawa on the day when...
Peace with Aman ResortJapan
The ambience of Amanemu is poetry that penetrates to the mind by way of the eyes. Sitting peacefully on the...
Forever newJapan
Going back to see the November woods in Japan. Listening with my skin more. Talking to my ancestors at least...